Tahukah anda saya menaip sambil srott sroott menyedut chatime vanilla latte? (Motiffff..!)
As promised, here is my first day experience as a Fstepian. Wahhh gitu speaking engkau!
Nah gambar hiasan. saja letak filter ala-ala sinaran mentari ke arah fstep tersebut. hahaha
So macam biasa, mula-mula register session at 8.30, lepastu kene jawab personality test. For those yang belum ambik english test sebab die apply under bank direct and bukan fstep, they have to pass the english test so that diorang qualified untuk betul-betul daftar fstep. cuak kan kalau kes diorang! kalau diorang gagal means terus takdapat fstep. mcm kitorang, test dulu baru lepas untuk interview. Diorang interview dulu, baru test. Tapi of course la yang pass interview tu lepas english test kalau tak macam mana dorang lepas interview kan. Apende aku merepek banyak-banyak pasal ni..(haish)
Lepas habis test, habis lunch, ade briefing pasal Fstep, syllabus, banking,insurans,promotion & of course welcoming speech. Nah gambar harini. Saja nak tunjuk sebab ade muka aku. Cari la muahahahah.
Cilok dari page je semua ni. Kredit to our photographer.
So these are some of our tentative program throughout the whole 6 months + 6 months internship at our own financial institutions:
Menarik sangat2 kan?
Paling excited part OBS tuh la.. sebab aku memang suke camping2, jungle trekking ni. hahaha!
Oh ya,
Kitorang (those with non-financial course dulu) kene attend accounting class as well on saturday.
Ala, 3x je pun. Bagus jugak biar ade basic semua.
So far hari pertama. Best!